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The school held an online lecture on "Life first, End HIV/AIDS health Equality"
2021-11-29 12:49  

In anticipation of the34"World AIDS Day", to further popularize and publicize the knowledge of AIDS prevention, improve students' awareness and prevention ability to cherish life and stay away from AIDS,20211127The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Work held an online lecture on AIDS prevention "Life comes to the end, AIDS health Equality".500More than one student listened to the lecture。

The lecture invited Yang Jinfeng, deputy attending physician of the school hospital, to popularize the basic knowledge of AIDS for the students。In the lecture, Dr. Yang comprehensively explained the important knowledge of sex and AIDS, the transmission path of AIDS, the epidemic trend of AIDS, the prevention of AIDS and the strategy of AIDS prevention and treatment, so that students have a more scientific, systematic and profound understanding of AIDS。In the course of the lecture, Dr. Yang relied on rich clinical experience, combined with real cases of college students, to show the students that AIDS is not far away, and let the students deeply realize that AIDS should be treated rationally, and AIDS patients should be treated with more understanding and less discrimination。

This lecture has further enhanced the students' knowledge and understanding of AIDS, improved the students' scientific knowledge and ability to prevent AIDS, and played a positive role in promoting the cultivation of students' healthy lifestyle and the creation of a healthy and harmonious campus。The psychological counseling center will continue to carry out mental health theme activities to help students establish a correct outlook on life and life, so that students can cherish life, love life, and be the first person in charge of personal physical and mental health。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012